

At the Mount Union大学, your well-being is at the heart of our concern. 咨询服务办公室提供了一个保险箱, welcoming space designed to support your emotional and mental health journey throughout your academic experience. Our state licensed counselors help Mount Union students move toward life goals, while teaching students the skills to being mentally and emotionally healthy. 咨询是客户和咨询师之间的伙伴关系, 旨在帮助学生在生活中找到解决方案和可能性. 咨询 staff members provide enrolled Mount Union students access to free and confidential counseling services on campus.

你是否在寻求指导, 应对策略, 或者只是一只倾听的耳朵, our counseling services are here to assist you through life's twists and turns. Discover a haven of resources and information tailored to empower you along your path to wellness.

Our team of compassionate professionals is dedicated to providing a nurturing environment where you can express yourself freely and embark on a journey toward inner peace and resilience. Feel embraced by a community that values your well-being and is committed to supporting your mental health needs.

Use these invaluable resources and take proactive steps toward a balanced, healthier you. 你的幸福很重要, 以及这里的Mount Union大学, 我们会和你一起走这条路.

  • 服务


    Walk-in hours are times that are set aside for students who suddenly need help but do not have a scheduled counseling appointment. 上门咨询最多15分钟, where students can initiate the contact with 咨询 服务 and receive emotional support. 



    Students who are seeking formal counseling for issues big or small will schedule a counseling appointment with a counselor. The counselor will gather information from the student during the first session to determine a diagnosis. 评估结束后, 学生将与辅导员一起制定治疗计划, 设定他们想要在学期中完成的目标. Just use the contact information to the right to call or 电子邮件 for an appointment. 



    咨询是与顾问的非正式会面. The counselor acts as an expert, providing advice, guidance, and linkage to ongoing services. 咨询不是咨询会议. Counselors can offer up to four consultation sessions to a student before recommending counseling sessions.

  • 步行几个小时

    Walk-in hours are in the Student Affairs suite behind the information desk in HPCC.

    星期一: 2-4 p.m.
    星期二: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
    周三: 2-4 p.m.
    星期四:上午11点.m. - 1 p.m.
    星期五: 2-4 p.m.


    运动员可以在指定的时间内进入MAAC, 向2125号办公室的帕姆·米勒登记

    星期二: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
    星期四:上午11点.m. - 1 p.m.

  • 咨询工作人员

    所有员工均在卡米拉·希尔医学博士的临床监督下.Ed., L.P.C.C.-S,咨询服务主任.



    卡米拉·希尔,M.Ed., L.P.C.C.-S超过24年, Carmella has worked within the mental health profession serving the entire lifespan in various settings (e.g., 社区精神健康机构, 养老院, 私人诊所, 学院/大学, 急诊室). 另外, she has extensive experiences related to crisis intervention whereas she assesses risk issues and working with persons who are presenting with thoughts of suicide, 杀人, 和自残. Some areas of treatment provision have been assisting those with severe persistent mental illness, 首发精神病, 抑郁症, 焦虑, 以及调整问题, 举几个例子. Carmella enjoys clinical work, professional development, and supervising persons for licensure. She is a sought-after speaker for cultural diversity issues and passionate about helping professionals develop multicultural awareness and sensitivity. 卡梅拉喜欢旅行, 日志记录, 购物, 看她最喜欢的运动队, 克利夫兰布朗队, 克利夫兰骑士队, 和俄亥俄州立橄榄球队.



    朱莉·索恩伯里,马萨诸塞州,LPC: Julie received her Bachelor’s degree from the Mount Union大学 and graduated from Walsh University with a Master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health 咨询. She has experience working with a diverse population of students and adults. Julie enjoys helping others to see their potential and to appreciate their unique strengths. She strives to create an environment in which students feel heard, safe, and empowered. Her areas of focus include 焦虑, 抑郁症, self-esteem, adjustments, and career. 在她的空闲时间,她喜欢钩针,编织和编织.



    莉莲·威廉姆斯,文学士,CT: Lillian is a graduate student pursuing her Master's in Clinical Mental Health 咨询 at John Carroll University. She is a 2023 Indiana University graduate with a Bachelor's in Psychology and a minor in Folklore, 以及专注于美国手语(ASL). 莉莲结合了同理心, 积极倾听, 以及她作品中的文化意识, with a strong passion for clinical sex therapy and advocacy for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (HOH) community. She focuses on fostering healthy relationships and addressing taboo aspects of human sexuality, while also applying her expertise in sports psychology to help athletes enhance performance, 管理的焦虑, 从受伤中恢复. 当她不工作和在学校的时候,你可以看到她在烘焙, 去新的地方旅行,与家人和朋友共度时光. 

  • 校园及地区资源

    如果学生在正常办公时间以外需要帮助, there are a variety of resources both on-campus and in the local area that can provide assistance. The following is a list of resources that may be used in situations in which a more immediate response is needed:

    Alliance Police Department (330) 821-3131 or 911 if emergency services are needed
    Alliance EMS (Fire Dept) (330) 821-1212 or 911 if emergency services are needed

    斯塔克县危机热线: (330) 452-6000
    危机Textline: 请发短信至741741
    为LGBTQ青年提供Trevor生命线: 1 (866) 488-7386
    全国预防自杀生命线: 1 (800) 273-TALK(8255)或 suicidepreventionlifline.org
    联盟地区强奸危机中心: (330) 821-强奸(7273)
    联盟区家庭暴力庇护所: (330) 823-7223
    全国精神卫生热线*: 发短信或拨打988

  • 情绪管理技巧

All counseling staff members are licensed through the state of Ohio CSWMFT Board. 为保障消费者权益,请浏览 俄亥俄州执照验证

咨询 services provides virtual as well as live contact sessions via the Student Affairs Suite, 胡佛-普莱斯校园中心. 预约电话:(330)823-2886或电子邮件 counselingservices@chinafotoe.com.