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molly hudson headshot in front of brick wall
molly hudson headshot in front of brick wall

Molly Hudson '23

Middle childhood education major

I fell in love with the community and the professors who took the time to answer any questions I had.


B.A., Middle Childhood 教育


Uniontown, Ohio

A Mount Union Legacy

I had always heard about Mount Union through my parents and grandparents, as all four of them had graduated from Mount. I was used to coming to football games and being on campus through my childhood. By growing up visiting Mount Union is what made it so welcoming. I fell in love with the community and the professors who took the time to answer any questions I had about the different areas of study I was interested in. I was thankful to receive the 威尼斯人app下载 Scholarship as well. I would advise students looking at colleges to make sure that they will always have people to rely on wherever they decide to go. It will be a long four years if you don’t have a good community that you can count on to support you.


Improving at UMU

When I first learned that sophomores had to create a WOC Portfolio, I was annoyed. It was just one more thing I had to stress about. Then once I started working on the project, I realized just how beneficial it really was. It was very nice to have people there to talk to about my papers and speaking projects and having them help you through it. It is a great tool to use to prepare you for the future with better speaking and writing skills you’ll have to use.



I chose middle childhood education as my major because I knew I wanted to do something that involved kids. When I was in school one of the main people that impacted my life were teachers. I wanted to be that same role model for other kids. My dream is to become a 7th or 8th grade math teacher somewhere out west. Mount Union is helping me fulfill this dream by giving me the experiences that I need to become successful. We are being put in the field to shadow someone in a school district to experience what it is like being a teacher in a classroom. While shadowing, students are given the opportunity to teach a lesson to the classroom we are shadowing to prepare us for when we go into student teaching our senior year. When we can begin student teaching, I will be given the opportunity to choose where I would like to teach! I know of some Mount students who are teaching in Arizona right now which is something I would like to take advantage of, and I love that Mount offers these opportunities.