Philip Kiko在国会大厦前报道
Philip Kiko在国会大厦前报道

菲利普·G. 纪子73

A congressional staffer noticed my radio experience at WRMU FM - the voice of Mount Union - and helped me land a job pushing radio actualities out to stations across the country for the NRCC.


B.A. 历史/政治科学



Since my big break and first job on Capitol Hill at the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), my congressional career has zig-zagged all over the place. I took advantage of opportunities as they presented themselves, embracing every chance to learn something new about Congress and how the sausage was really made. 从法律, 按, 监督, I learned everything I could about the operations of congressional offices. But my interests weren’t limited to just Congress; I sought opportunities with the 行政部门 and private sector firms as well.


For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a keen interest in public policy. 事实上,拿着文凭,我搬到了华盛顿特区.C. 就在我从威尼斯人app下载毕业的第二天. One of my first stops was the office of a newly elected Member of Congress from Stark County who was also an alumnus of Mount Union – Ralph Regula ’48. 我们进行了很好的讨论,他给了我重要的建议.

在我在国会有重大突破之前, I lived in a room I rented at the Alpha Tau Omega (ATO) fraternity house at the University of Maryland. The rent was cheap and practically all I could afford with the money I earned working my first job out of college – making water beds and stuffing pillows. With intolerable heat and humidity accompanied by daily thundershowers being the typical forecast on a summer day in the nation’s capital, my first job was figuratively and literally in a sweatshop. 打发时间, I intently listened to nonstop radio coverage of the Watergate hearings underway at the time.


我很少有空闲时间, I would schlep my resume up to Capitol Hill in hot pursuit of my long-sought-after career in public service. 有一天,我终于有了转机. A congressional staffer noticed my radio experience at WRMU FM – the Voice of Mount Union – and helped me land a job pushing radio actualities out to stations across the country.


The vast majority of individuals on Capitol Hill are under 30, providing me with an opportunity to work with many students and young adults over the years. 在我的职业生涯中, I have mentored and hired dozens and dozens of young people, 实习生, 还有研究生.


I strongly believe that there is no higher calling than public service, 是否在国家, 当地的, 或者联邦层面, 或者在非营利组织. I believe that people who are privileged enough to obtain a good education should pay it forward, which is why I have always sought to mentor and help young people and students when possible. 反过来, I have been rewarded for my efforts to help students get off on the right foot by watching them succeed and accomplish great things for themselves and for this country. The pace on Capitol Hill can be grueling and the competition unforgiving, 这意味着, 成功, you must work harder than anyone else and certainly never waste time watching the clock.  Above all, as is the case with a successful career in any field, you must love what you do.

Mount Union Memories

回顾我在联合山的时光, 我最喜欢的经历包括在WRMU工作, 尤其是古典音乐表演, and constantly being called out for mispronouncing the names of various composers, being a member of the college wrestling team… until I was hurt, 夏天住在ATO的房子里. 


在我的职业生涯中, I have served as Chief of Staff and General Counsel to three congressional committees and Deputy Chief of Staff to another. 我参加过上百次监管听证会, a national Congressional investigation on the 2012 Benghazi attack, and the passage of over 100 bills that have been enacted into law. I worked closely with Ralph when I was responsible for the budget formulation and execution at the Department of Interior. 2016年7月, 他为众议院工作了近40年, 行政部门, 律师事务所, 以及各种身份的游说公司, I was appointed by 房子 Speakers Paul Ryan and Nancy Pelosi and voted by the 房子 of Representatives on three separate occasions to serve as the Chief Administrative Officer – one of three 房子 Officers – an honor that has pushed me to tap into all the experiences I’ve amassed over the years, 有好有坏. 我现在是KikoStrategies公司的总裁.